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OMEGA Agency
The Secret That Is No More

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OMEGA Agency
The Secret That Is No More

by Bobbie "Jilain" Felder


"When everything is secret, nothing is secret."
- Justice Potter Stewart in his opinion on the Pentagon Papers case

I continue my contact with "Robert", the man who is one of the 15, a member in high standing in the group known as the Omega Agency. At this point in time, Robert and the others of the 15 are basically in control of the Omega agenda. Those who will make up the Ruling Council of the global governing body are basically "waiting in the wings". They are consulted as needed by the 15, but the day to day running of Omega's plan for planet Earth lies in the hands of these few men.

My understanding of the situation is that it was the Visitors who desired that these 15 men control the re-education process currently underway. Each of these men has a history of military type service, mostly in the fields of covert and black ops, including assassination on demand and manipulation of the war in Viet Nam. The logic behind the choice of these men is this: One must know how to make war in order to prevent it. One must know how incredibly cruel man can be to his fellow man in order to prevent it in others. And if the way of life that the Visitors enjoy on their home worlds, which all of the 15 have experienced first-hand, can change the hearts of men such as these, it can change the heart of any man.

And that is the basis of the Visitor agenda, and thus the Omega Agency's agenda. In its bare form, the Visitor mission can be stated simply as they work to "clean up" the universe so that people of all races, from all worlds, can live in peace on a galactic scale. That includes the people Earth. We are in our infancy as a race compared to many of the Visitors, but we have advanced technologically to the point that we pose a danger to their society and their way of life. Our social, emotional, and psychological development has not kept pace with our technological strides. Humans have an innate fear of the unknown, and it is that fear that keeps us from questioning, from questing toward what should be our goals. We prefer to become "comfortably numb" rather than face the reality that our history has been warped to meet the goals of certain individuals, our religions have been used as a method of mass control and social manipulation, and certain factions of our society as a whole, on a world-wide basis, have been manipulated to the advantage of those opposing a global, unified governing body and a transformation of our way of life from one of separationism and isolationism to one of global and universal acceptance of those who are "different".

A world living in peace on a global scale is something that many profess to desire. They teach their children to pray for world peace. Yet there are those who profit from the misery of those around them. Consider for a moment. What type of reaction would you expect from pharmaceutical companies if it were known that there is a cure for every form of cancer known? Would these companies, that now receive thousands of dollars per treatment for chemotherapy, be happy to know that there is a way to cure cancer that requires but one injection? What if there was a cure for AIDS that required only a series of three injections? How would an oil company react to the knowledge that there was a power source, one that was abundant, non-polluting, totally efficient? And that conversion of an automobile to this power source could be done at a cost of approximately $20.00? Would such a revelation be welcomed by those sitting on the Board of Directors of a major oil company? Somehow, I think not.

Yet, this is the way of the Visitors. It is their way to share their technology. They do not try to hide it from others in their intergalactic neighborhood. They do not understand our tradition of hiding our technological advancements in fear that someone else will develop it to its fullest potential first. Nor do they understand the need to withhold beneficial technology, such as could be used to reverse the pollution level of the planet or cure the diseases of humans, merely for monetary gain of a few.

Under Omega global rule, intergalactic commerce and trade will become the norm. There are products we manufacture that ET races wish to import to their home worlds. They likewise have manufactured products that they feel could be marketable to the people of Earth. Individual companies will be allowed to negotiate trade agreements with Visitors, but all will fall under Omega guidelines. There will be fairness to all, with no one company monopolizing the market. Fossil fuel will be a thing of the past. In the educational system, the "mistakes in accuracy" that is taught now to our children in history class will be corrected. The World Health Organization, as well as the United Nations, will be disbanded. The cures for diseases, as cancer, AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, to name a few, will be released to the public for immediate treatment for those needing it. (An interesting note here is that there has been no transmission of ET-based disease to humans. Visitors have, however, gotten sick from humans. There have been cases of Visitors contracting chicken pox, AIDS, pneumonia, and the common cold.)

Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico, will be the global headquarters for Omega after "the day" that they take the reigns in the arena of global government. The underground base beneath the city is currently the center of Omega field operations. A large number of people now employed at NASA are affiliated in one way or another with Omega. The late Gene Roddenberry was a member of Omega, that group approaching him because of his ideas of what a future intergalactic society could be like. John Glenn is also aware of the existence of Omega, as is Hillary Clinton.

The Omega agenda continues. It may be accelerated, or it may be delayed, as world conditions dictate. But it will not be stopped. There is little choice in the matter at this late date in the game. The fact is that we as a race are not alone in this universe, and we must learn to live according to the laws set down by the majority in this universe. We cannot remain isolated. We will not remain isolated. We would be welcomed into the galactic neighborhood if we could find it in ourselves to change our ways for the good of us all. If we do not, the future could be a very uncertain place. The Visitors came here in peace, and they offered a helping hand. But unlike the men of Omega, the Visitors are not infinitely patient. There are those among the Visitors currently residing on Earth that desire to go home. They are tired and they miss their families, their homes, and their world. Our stubbornness, immaturity, and refusal to open our eyes to the reality around us is what prevents them from going back to their homes, back to the lives they led before coming here. It is a rare thing to find a human who will sacrifice their life for another. Why should we expect the Visitors to be any different?

Omega is a "secret" organization that has been quietly doing its work for many, many years. One will find no documentation to support its existence, no financial records will "miraculously" surface to show how it has been funded. An organization that does not wish to be discovered prior to the time of its choosing does not leave a paper trail to be followed. But there is circumstantial evidence, documentary evidence, that points to its existence and its agenda. I ask no one to accept my writings here as gospel. I ask that you consider the possibility, and investigate it on your own.

There is a universe of truth in the following statement:

"Truth can only be discovered when the mind is open to all possibilities."
- The Tucson Kid

That is all it takes to discover the existence of Omega as a real, functioning entity. Take off the blinders, open your eyes, and start facing the reality of the world around you. We are quickly approaching the point where we have no choice but to do exactly that. And it would be far better to face reality on our own rather than have it forced upon us.

For there is a universe of truth in this statement, as well:

"If folks want to keep their head in the sand --then their butts will eventually get blown away."
-- Charmaine Ferreira

Would life under Omega's guidelines be better? I answer that with another question. How could it be any worse?

Think about it.




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