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The Communist Public Education System

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Aliens? or the "Ant People" who cared for the Hopi? Native Americans believe there is "duality" -- good and bad -- in everything, and that would have to include aliens. The Hopi and Pueblo say the "Ant People" fed and cared for their people while they were living underground,

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The Communist Public Education System

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The Communist Public Education System

During the Elian Gonzeles affair, the Washington Times interviewed Luis
Fernandez, the spokesmen for the unofficial Cuban consulate in the
D.C area. In one of those rare instances of candor that provide us with
insight into the totalitarian mind, Fernandez, while referring to little
Elian as "a possession of the Cuban government", discussed the fact that
Cuban constitution grants to the State the responsibility of raising
children. He pointed out that Cuban law requires parents to insure that
children obtain a "communist personality" and "influences contrary to
communist development" are outlawed. When I read this, I was amazed by how
much our own system of public education mirrors that of the enslaved
across the Florida Strait.

William Z. Foster, Chairman of the American Communist Party, in his book
"Toward Soviet America", published 1932, describes the Communist agenda
American education:

"Among the elementary measures the American Soviet government will adopt
further the cultural revolution are...(a) National Department of
Education...the studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of
patriotic, and other features of the bourgeois ideology. The students will
taught the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, internationalism, and
the general ethics of the new Socialist society".

John Dewey, revered by our education establishment as the father of
"progressive" education, stated in 1899, "Children who know how to think
themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming
everyone is interdependent".

The goal of Dewey, Foster, and their followers, known as the "frontier
thinkers", or "change agents", was to teach young people not to think for
themselves. They sought to accomplish this evil agenda by replacing such
"bourgeois affectations" as literacy, science, math, American history,
language, and other disciplines, with content vacant and mentally
whole language, social studies, sex education, values clarification and
guessing. They replaced character development and conceptions of morality
with moral relativism. They "molded" our young people into
cogs of the corporate State. We taxpayers are paying for the enthronement
their goal with the resulting mental, moral, and, increasingly, physical
destruction of our children.

In the period leading up to World War II, there emerged amongst our
elite a strange and toxic amalgam of right wing eugenic ideas, exemplified
the Hitlerism of Nazi Socialism, and the authoritarian Marxist concepts
enthralled change agents like Dewey. Max Mason, president of the
Foundation, which was heavily invested in education, in 1933, was inspired
"The Geneticist's Manifesto" which was written by Nobel Prize winning
European scientist Hermann Muller. The theme of this treatise was planned
breeding. Mason felt that the concepts described in this Manifesto could
adopted toward "the control of human behavior". Around the same time, the
director of the National Education Association announced that his
organization expected "to accomplish by education what dictators in Europe
are seeking to do by compulsion and force". Compulsion, through political
power rather than through the direct force of arms, became the
of our education system.

New York City Teacher of the Year John Taylor Gatto, in his excellent new
book "The Underground History of American Education", identifies three
documents, introduced between 1967 and 1974, which had a pivotal impact on
teacher training. The first one, "Designing Education" published by the
Education Department, re-defined the term "education" to mean "a means to
achieve important economic and social goals of a national character".
comments that "State education agencies would henceforth act as on-site
federal enforcers, ensuring the compliance of local schools with central
directives. Each state education department was assigned the task of
an 'agent of change' and advised to 'lose its independent identity as well
its authority' in order to 'form a partnership with the federal

The second document described by Gatto is the "Behavioral Science Teacher
Education Project" which outlines as its goals "impersonal manipulation"
through schooling, in which "few will be able to maintain control over
opinions...each individual receives at birth a multi-purpose
number", and "chemical experimentation" on minors would be normal
Needless to say, since this document was introduced in the late 1960's,
people have been used as guinea pigs by the "change agents" with Ritalin,
Prozac etc. The increase in school violence has accompanied the
of these controlled substances.

The "Behavioral Science Teacher Education Project" advocates a future "in
which a small elite" control all important matters. Children are taught,
through demonstration, that their classmates are so cruel and incapable of
self-discipline that they need to be controlled and regulated for the good
society. Schooling is to focus on "pleasure cultivation" and on "other
attitudes and skills compatible with a non-work world." At the same time,
teachers would be stripped of the means of maintaining discipline in the
classroom. This would be replaced by "due process" and "children's
Hence, the planned breakdown of discipline.

The third document, University of Chicago Professor Benjamin Blooms
classic"Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" is described as, in Blooms own
words, "a tool to classify the ways individuals are to act, think, or feel
the result of some unit of instruction". Through behavioral psychology,
children would learn proper thoughts, feelings, and actions and have their
"improper" attitudes brought from home "remediated". Testing would be
implemented at all levels to determine progress. The change agents are
treating our children like Pavlov's dog. These documents laid the
for our modern education with Mastery Learning, Outcome Based Education,
School to Work, and whatever else they're marketing.

Our Republic is predicated on democratic principles such as self rule,
interest, and informed choice. The change agents are, theoretically, free
offer their educational wares to the public on the free market. Let the
consumer decide which type of education is most suited to his needs and in
the best interests of his precious sons and daughters. Let parents decide
whether or not they want their children to learn to think for themselves,
what type of moral standards they want their children exposed to. Let the
taxpayer receive a full and honest accounting with regard to the nature of
the education system existing in their community and the long term effect
that education on our society. Let the truth be told.

Of course, the change agents don't operate in the realm of free choice nor
are they believers in truth or freedom. They realize that a parent would
to be certifiably insane to knowingly subject their beloved child to such
rigors. They travel in the rarefied authoritarian world of the philosopher
King who will "mould" our youngsters into "human resources" to serve some
bizarre conception of a "greater good". Such an educational system, given
that it contradicts human nature and common sense, can only be implemented
the point of a gun.

The change agents seek to eradicate the American way of life. They
to deprive our children of the tools needed for them to find their own
individual destiny. They fool us into paying for this privilege and we've
paid dearly. Our children are being used to fulfill a sick totalitarian

Charles A. Morse is a nationally syndicated talk show host, the author of
"Thunder Out of Boston" and can be heard on the American Freedom Network
Chuck is a contributing writer for Enter Stage Right , Sierra Times and

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