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THE AWAKENING - Iissue 167, January 22nd - 28th, 2001 |
issue 167, January 22nd - 28th, 2001
1. Mad Cow Disease Could Have Alien Origins 2. Landslides Kill 33 in Indonesia; 9 Others Missing 3. Dry winter on Canada's Prairies haunts farmers 4. Pakistan drought threatens next harvest-Red Cross 5. India PM orders war footing for quake aid 6. Climate change outstrips forecasts 7. New appeal for drought-hit Sudan 8. Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano sends up towering plume of smoke 9. Vulcanologists continue monitoring central Java volcano 10. One Cold Winter, Record Low Temperatures Grip Siberia 11. Last Ebola patient in Uganda leaves hospital 12. Landslide buries Tanzanian village; 15 feared dead 13. Government to declare half of flooded Bolivia disaster area 14. Ethiopia appeals for food for 6.2 million people 15. Impact of Cambodian flooding to worsen: Report 16. Blizzards devastate Mongolian herders 17. Heavy Rains Wreak Havoc In Kenya 18. Heavy rains hit Mozambique 19. Ash Rain Falls on Indonesia Village 20. Several Areas in Slovakia Without Electricity Due to Icy Weather 21. Heavy snow brings chaos to Japan 22. Moderate Earthquake in Mexico 23. Australia swelters in heatwave 24. Climate problems predicted for Africa 25. Bush confirms 'Star Wars' plan 26. Azerbaijan: three dead in avalanche 27. India's seismic suffering 28. Coral shows El Nino's rise 29. Meteorite clue to water on Mars 30. Global BSE warning issued 31. Senate Hearing Calls for Improved Disaster Preparedness 32. Earthquake Shakes Ohio 33. Thousands of Homeless Quake Victims Fill Salvadoran Shelters 34. World Watch 35. Latest Quakes
1. Mad Cow Disease Could Have Alien Origins...01-22
(ABC News) Two astronomy and mathematics professors in England announced last month that cows in England and Wales may have picked up the disease after eating grass laced with a sprinkling of interstellar dust. The dust, the scientists proposed, fell as the Earth was bombarded by comets which hosted infectious, extraterrestrial matter. The notion may seem outlandish (and many scientists think it is), but research shows the disease, itself, is outlandish. And its bizarre nature has stumped many efforts to find effective screening tools and treatment. "When you're trying to design drugs, it's especially difficult when you don't fully understand the nature of the infectious agent," says Byron Caughey, a biochemist at the Rocky Mountain Laboratory branch of the National Institutes of Health.
(Contributed by Rollers303)
2. Landslides Kill 33 in Indonesia; 9 Others Missing...01-22
JAKARTA, Indonesia(AP)- A series of landslides triggered by rains killed at least 33 people in Indonesia's North Sulawesi province, officials said Monday. Nine people were missing and feared dead, said police in the district capital, Tahuna, after the landslides on the remote islands about 1,350 miles northeast of Jakarta. At least three landslides hit villages on the islands late Saturday, said Soehardjono, chief of the provincial Department of Meteorology and Geophysics. They were followed by a magnitude-5.8 earthquake Sunday, said Soehardjono, who like many Indonesians uses only one name. Rescue teams were sent to the region, police said. Dozens of houses and other public facilities, including two bridges, were destroyed, the state news agency Antara reported. Flooding and landslides coinciding with monsoon rains killed more than 200 people in Indonesia late last year. Government officials and environmentalists say deforestation by timber-cutting logging companies and villagers needing firewood has contributed to the disasters. Indonesia, the world's biggest archipelago nation, also is prone to frequent seismic upheavals because it straddles major fault lines.
(Contributed by Rollers303)
3. Dry winter on Canada's Prairies haunts farmers...01-25
WINNIPEG, Jan 25 (Reuters) - At a time of year when western Canada's Prairies should be hibernating under a protective blanket of snow, many fields in Alberta lie bare, with record low precipitation and record high temperatures creating uneasiness about the upcoming crop year. "It's a concern basically because you're starting the season with very little soil moisture reserve," Bruce Burnett, director of weather and crops surveillance at the Canadian Wheat Board, the major marketer for Prairie grain crops, said this week. "The soil moisture reserve is the bank that helps you get through some rough spots in the growing season if you do have them," he said. From September to December last year, precipitation in a wide north-south swath through Alberta was less than half of the normal level, according to Environment Canada, the country's weather forecasting service. In some areas, moisture levels were only a quarter of normal levels. "That's a pretty significant number based on a four-month average," said Dennis Dudley, an Environment Canada meteorologist in Edmonton, Alberta. "We're sitting out here pretty high and dry." January's weather has also proven exceptionally dry and mild. So far this month, the northern Peace River region received only 0.4 mm (0.02 inches) of precipitation, compared with a normal average of 22 mm (0.8 inches). In the southern Alberta city of Lethbridge, temperatures did not drop below freezing for the first 12 days of the new year, hovering between 8 degrees Celsius to 12 degrees Celsius (46 Fahrenheit degrees to 54 degrees Fahrenheit). Many farmers are concerned because this latest dry spell comes on top of two dry years for the southern part of the province. Last summer crops wilted in drought conditions. A lack of snow cover can lead to more erosion and more soil evaporation, moisture that farmers count on to germinate seeds in the spring. "As we get into a dryer stretch here, people are starting to rethink the notion that they can continuous crop in the brown soil zone," said Rob Dunn, a cereal and oilseed crop specialist with Alberta's Agriculture Department in Lethbridge. Another dry year could also mean trouble for livestock producers who need to replenish their reservoirs. "We need a major, or at least some snow run off just to provide cattle with water on rangeland in southern Alberta. That's a pretty big issue," said Dunn. Anxiety has been heightened here by recent reports about the rate and potential impact of global warming. Earlier this week, the United Nations warned that the earth's atmosphere is heating up faster than expected and Canadian climatologists say that temperatures across the country in 2000 were above normal for the eighth year in a row. A report prepared by the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Winnipeg, predicted the effects of global warming would be felt on the prairies within the next three decades in the form of extreme storms and droughts. Weather experts, crop specialists and farmers all agree it is too early in the season to panic and there is still a good chance that snowstorms and spring rains will bring badly needed moisture, but they are watching the sky closely. "I would say that it's probably within the normal variability of climate, however with the climate changing and what not, it does ring some bells," Dudley said. http://www.agriculture.com/worldwide/AgricultureFarming/01_25_2001.reutr-story
(Contributed by Rollers303)
4. Pakistan drought threatens next harvest-Red Cross...01-27
ISLAMABAD, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Large areas of Pakistan hit by severe drought will lose another harvest unless there is rain or snow within the next six weeks, a Red Cross disaster expert said on Saturday. Tony Maryon, in charge of disaster management in South Asia for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said the only winter rain in the large province of Baluchistan came four weeks ago, which provided little help because it ran off quickly. Maryon, just back from an assessment trip to the provincial capital, Quetta, said there was no snow on the mountains of the area, which borders Afghanistan and Iran, to provide the gradual spring runoff vital to replenishing water supplies. He said severe drought problems were also continuing in the southern province of Sind. ``The situation is very serious and very grim for the vulnerable groups living in Baluchistan and Sind. Very grave indeed,'' Maryon, who is based in Geneva, told a news conference. ``Unless they get substantial rain or snow in the next four to six weeks another harvest will be lost,'' he said. Maryon's concern was the deepening humanitarian disaster caused by the drought -- he said 1.9 million people in Baluchistan and 1.5 million in Sind were affected. ECONOMIC IMPACT But the government has also expressed concern for the economic impact in the rest of Pakistan -- the Punjab, the country's bread basket, and the mountainous Northwest Frontier Province that feeds the Indus River system. Officials have already cut forecasts of the wheat harvest from last year's record 22 million tonnes to a maximum of 20 million tonnes, which they admit could be difficult to reach unless there are rains soon. Maryon said rainfall had been below normal since 1998 and expecially since November 1999, causing heavy losses of livestock and deteriorating health conditions. Neighbouring Afghanistan is experiencing the worst drought in three decades. ``The situation is very serious; we have to monitor it very carefully,'' Maryon said. He said there were still very large population movements as people flee the drought, including crossing the undemarcated border with Afghanistan where the problem is compounded by 21 years of war. The hardships will continue for another year even if there is a sudden return of rain, Maryon said. Most families have lost their livestock and no longer have seed to plant fresh crops or the money to buy it. Baluchistan, especially, is also facing the threat of a permanent water shortage because of overuse. Officials at a U.N. news conference on Friday said the watertable around Quetta has been dropping 3.5 meters (yds) annually for years and the city could exhaust its water supply in 15 years.
(Contributed by Rollers303)
5. India PM orders war footing for quake aid...01-26
A hundred buildings have collapsed
NEW DELHI, India -- Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee is urging relief workers to go on a war-footing to help victims of a devastating earthquake. Hundreds are feared dead from the 7.9 magnitude quake. It was centered in the arid western state of Gujarat and felt across Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Officials say the death toll stands at more than 500, and that figure is expected to rise. Home Minister Lal Krishna Advani said rescuers were finding people in the rubble of collapsed buildings and estimated the death toll would top 1,000. The quake occurred at 8.46 am, centered near the desert town of Bhuj. Most of the damage was reported in Ahmedabad, the state's commercial center, about 400 kilometers away.
(Contributed by Gerard Zwaan)
6. Climate change outstrips forecasts...01-22
The world's leading climatologists say global warming is happening faster than previously predicted. They say world temperatures this century could rise by close to 6 degrees Celsius - more than two degrees more than originally thought. Sea levels could also rise almost a metre, threatening tens of millions of people. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says an increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world. And it says the evidence is stronger than before for a human influence on the climate. Dr Robert Watson, head of the panel of scientists advising members of the UN Climate Change Convention in Shanghai, said there could be massive implications in terms of water shortages, drought, damage to agriculture and the increased spread of disease, with developing countries worst hit. Hottest decade He said: "There's no doubt the earth's climate is changing. "The decade of the 1990s was the hottest decade of the last century and the warming in this century is warmer than anything in the last 1,000 years in the Northern Hemisphere. "We see changes in climate, we believe we humans are involved and we're projecting future climate changes much more significant over the next 100 years than the last 100 years." The report notes: "The observed changes in climate over time have been documented extensively by a variety of techniques, Many of these trends are now established with high confidence; others are far less certain." It gives details of several trends, for example: · the global-average surface air temperature has increased since the mid-19th century · in the last four decades, temperatures have risen in the lowest few kilometres of the atmosphere · snow cover and ice extent have decreased · global average sea level has risen, and ocean heat content has increased · some important aspects of the global climate appear unchanged. No significant trends of Antarctic sea-ice extent are apparent over the last 30 years, and there are no clear long-term trends discernible in the intensity and frequency of tropical storms. Under a variety of scenarios the IPCC has prepared, it says, temperature and sea level are projected to rise. The range for globally-averaged surface air temperature increase by 2100 ranges from about 1.4 degrees Celsius to 5.8 degrees, an increase the report notes "would be without precedent during the last ten thousand years". The projected sea level rise by 2100 is between 0.09 and 0.88 metres. But the report does say that there are still many gaps in information and understanding. One priority, it says, is to "arrest the decline of observational networks in many parts of the world".
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
7. New appeal for drought-hit Sudan...01-21
United Nations officials in Sudan say they urgently need new funds to help avert a humanitarian catastrophe after crop failures caused by a severe drought. They say nearly one million people could be at risk of starvation if food aid doesn't reach them over the next three months. In some areas of Sudan, UN officials say wells have now begun to run dry, and people have started to move in search of food. The UN has been warning of the effects of the drought for several weeks, but now officials say their latest crop assessments indicate the situation is even worse than they had predicted. Fearing a flare-up The UN says it will now need an extra $40m in food aid and $7m for water, healthcare, and education for children who will be displaced because of the drought, in addition to the $194m to pay for relief aid it asked for in November. The worst-hit areas are the provinces of northern Kordofan and northern Darfur, where a senior UN official said tribal conflicts over access to pasture, food and water had already broken out. The UN is concerned that those conflicts could now cause a flare up in Sudan's long-running civil war, which might endanger its massive humanitarian operation in the south. In 1998, tens of thousands of people died of hunger in the southern province of Bahr El-Ghazal, because aid agencies could not reach them. Bahr El-Ghazal remains the focus of UN concerns, and officials say the Khartoum government has this month refused them permission to fly into key areas for their relief effort.
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
8. Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano sends up towering plume of smoke...01-22
MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- The Popocatepetl volcano that towers over the Mexico City region shot a plume of ash and smoke more than 5 miles (8 kms) high on Monday, alarming people who had been evacuated from nearby villages a month before. Officials in Puebla state told the Radio Red network that the mushroom-shaped plume was one of the largest since the 17,886-foot (5,450-meter) volcano began a cycle of eruptions in 1994 after decades of relative dormancy. The government's National Center for the Prevention of Disasters, which monitors the volcano, said the plume was five miles high following the mid-afternoon burst, but other observers said it was higher.
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
9. Vulcanologists continue monitoring central Java volcano...01-23
Scientists are closely monitoring the rumbling Mount Merapi volcano in Central Java as ash and lava flows threaten surrounding farms and villages. Authorities around the peak, in the heart of a densely populated region near Jogjakarta, have ordered hundreds of thousands of people to prepare for evacuation. Clouds of scorching poisonous gas are billowing from the crater, while red hot rocks slowly move down the mountainside. Volcanologist Syamsul Rizal says seismographs are registering less activity than over the last few days, but warns people to stay alert. He says no-one knows what is going to occur, the current level of activity could go on for weeks or something big could happen tomorrow.
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
10. One Cold Winter, Record Low Temperatures Grip Siberia...01-22
I R K U T S K, Russia, Jan. 22 - Winter in Siberia is usually spectacular and always very cold. But this winter has been relentless. Week after week, temperatures have been dipping to 50 below zero. Siberians are accustomed to the cold, but they were completely unprepared for temperatures this low. Not surprisingly, the hospital in the city of Irkutsk is overwhelmed. In just one week, the cold killed 17 people, and doctors amputated the limbs of at least 70 others who suffered severe frostbite. Pausing for just a short period of time could prove extremely dangerous - one man who stopped to fix his car had to have both his hands and feet amputated because of frostbite. Some aid has been sent - the American Red Cross recently came to Siberia bearing more than 40,000 pounds of food. But still, in cities and villages across Siberia, heating systems are breaking down. People are warming themselves around outdoor fires, and frozen pipes have forced others to get their water from community wells. Corruption Makes Matters Worse In truth, Siberia should be one of the richest places on Earth. Underneath its frozen ground, there are massive resources of oil, gas platinum, nickel, and gold. But everywhere you look, there's poverty. That's because corrupt businessmen and government officials are siphoning much of the wealth generated in Siberia out of the country. While Russia's infrastructure falls apart, the corrupt are getting rich. Anger and fear are pervasive. One woman told ABCNEWS, "For the first time in my life, I feel like I could die from the cold." With spring still five months away, that's a very real possibility for many Siberians.
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
11. Last Ebola patient in Uganda leaves hospital...01-23
KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) -- The last known victim of the deadly Ebola virus has been given a clean bill of health and was discharged from the hospital Tuesday, the Ministry of Health announced. An elderly woman who was admitted into a hospital in Gulu with Ebola symptoms had recovered from the highly contagious form of hemorrhagic fever, said Dr. Sam Okware, head of the National Ebola Task Force. "We are really almost at the end of the epidemic," Okware said. He said 173 out of 426 Ebola patients had died and that health officials do not know of any additional cases. Health experts have been able to save 60 percent of the patients in Uganda in this outbreak by using aggressive rehydration therapy. In previous outbreaks, up to 90 percent of victims died after beginning bleeding uncontrollably. Ebola was first identified in October in the northern town of Gulu, 360 kilometers (225 miles) north of the capital Kampala. Other cases were soon discovered in two other districts. The virus is spread by contact with body fluids, including sweat and saliva. An outbreak is considered over after two 21-day incubation periods have passed with no new cases reported. Gulu would be declared Ebola free if no new cases are recorded by February 24, Okware said. Gulu is 160 kilometers (100 miles) northwest of the capital.
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
12. Landslide buries Tanzanian village; 15 feared dead...01-22
DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania (Reuters) -- At least 15 people are feared dead after a landslide buried a village in a remote part of western Tanzania after heavy rains, police officials said Monday. Regional Police Commander Placid Chaka told Reuters the landslide, which occurred last Thursday, had buried about 30 houses including a refugee reception center in the tiny fishing village of Mtanga on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. "We had real heavy rains for about one hour and the village which is on a slope is completely covered in mud," he said. "We suspect over 15 people are dead, either buried or down in the lake." Tanzania's short rainy season is just coming to an end, but the rain has been particularly heavy this month. Chaka said police were searching the lake for bodies but that none had been recovered by Monday.
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
13. Government to declare half of flooded Bolivia disaster area...01-23
LA PAZ, Bolivia (Reuters) -- Bolivia's lower house passed a bill on Tuesday to declare almost half the country a natural disaster zone, a move which will free up aid and funds for some 20,000 people affected by almost a month of heavy rain. Once the government signs the bill, the departments of La Paz, Oruro, Beni and Cochabamba will be officially declared natural disaster areas and open to millions of dollars in federal relief funds. The Andean country's national weather service estimates some 6.7 gallons (25 liters) of water per 1.2 square yards (1 square meter) have rained down on average per day the past weeks in La Paz, the worst affected area, and expects the rains to continue. The first two months of the year are usually the rainy seasons in this landlocked South American country which is twice the size of France. Bolivia's Civil Defense agency reported two dead from flooding and that some 20,000 people in the country of 8 million had been seriously affected -- many left homeless -- by the flooding. The Civil Defense added that it had already asked international organizations like the Red Cross and World Health Organization for help. About 140 miles (230 km) south of La Paz in Oruro, the Paria and Tagarete rivers overflowed and flooded four towns, destroying dozens of government built housing for former mine workers. At least four towns in Beni, near Bolivia's Amazon region, have also flooded due to overflowing rivers
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
14. Ethiopia appeals for food for 6.2 million people...01-23
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (Reuters) -- Ethiopia appealed on Tuesday for 470,000 tons of food aid to feed some 6.2 million people expected to be affected by drought this year. But the number of people reliant on food aid has dropped substantially from 10.5 million last year because of recent rain, said Simon Mechale, commissioner of the state-run Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission. Simon also appealed for $39 million for a recovery program for pastoralists who have been severely affected by four consecutive years of drought in most regions of lowland Ethiopia. A potentially devastating famine in Ethiopia was averted last year by huge international relief operations.
(Contributed by Frank Boers)
15. Impact of Cambodian flooding to worsen: Report
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia: Though flood waters receded months ago, the most severe impact of Cambodia's worst flooding in 70 years may not be felt until mid-2001, a research institute said on Friday. It will be the middle of the year when rice stocks of many poor families run out and those who borrowed to get through the hard times will come up short, said a report from the Cambodia Development Resource Institute. It said the worst damage was the loss of the rice harvest that would have taken place in December and January and which normally would provide the poor with their livelihood until the dry season rice harvests in March and April. "Not enough rice was harvested from the wet season crop and not as much has been planted for the dry season crop," said Richard Neville, who does relief work in cooperation with the International Red Cross. Flooding between July and October 2000 was described this week by King Norodom Sihanouk as the worst in Cambodia for 70 years. According to the government, 347 people died because of flooding, nearly 400,000 were temporarily displaced and nearly 3.5 million people were otherwise affected. Massive flooding also affected Vietnam, Laos and Thailand last year. Monika Midel, the country director of the World Food Program, said it is unclear how many people could become desperate four or five months from now. "The distribution of available rice will greatly determine this," she said, adding that merchants often take Cambodian rice out of the country to sell in Thailand or Vietnam, where it fetches a better price. Khieu Borin, the coordinator for food security in Cambodia for the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organisation, said he agreed with the main thrust of the report's findings. He said that normally the most challenging time for Cambodian farmers, who make up more than 60 percent of the population, is August, September and October, when they must borrow to survive lean times of food and resources. Cambodia's most important annual rice harvest begins in November or December. "Because of the flooding, the months of food and resource shortage probably will come earlier than normal, perhaps June or July," Khieu Borin said Friday. "There could be big problems, but it depends on what happens between now and then." Seija Tyrninoksa, the head of delegation for the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said aid agencies are aware that the situation for some farmers could worsen and are prepared to assist. (AP)
16. Blizzards devastate Mongolian herders...01-27
The Red Cross has launched an urgent appeal to help nomadic ethnic Mongolian herders in China hit by severe blizzards. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies seek $A3million to provide food, clothing, quilts, fuel and other supplies to 60,000 herders in Inner Mongolia, where 39 people have died in temperatures up to minus 50 degrees since the end of December. The herders, who depend on flocks of goats, horses, camels and cattle for subsistence, have seen their animals decimated by the worst storms in half a century. Many are now stranded in a frozen wasteland. Chinese officials estimate up to 400,000 families lack sufficient food. More than 220,000 stock have perished, according to Red Cross assessments. The worst affected areas are Xilin, Chifeng and Xingan prefectures in the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. "Because of the nomadic nature of the herders, they tend to have reserves of food and fuel for only a few days," said Jim Robertson, regional Red Cross relief delegate in Beijing. "They rely heavily on bartering their animals to provide food and fodder, but with the freezing conditions and the lack of access to the main towns, these necessities are rapidly running out." A severe blizzard on December 31 threw snow and sand from the Gobi Desert across a large area of Inner Mongolia. Snow cover in some areas measures up to 50centimetres. This is the third year in a row that a particularly harsh winter has struck herders in China and neighboring Mongolia. Summer drought has followed, leading to a cycle of stock losses that has devastated local economies. Some herders have lost entire flocks. The China Charity Foundation and the Chinese Red Cross have also launched urgent domestic appeals for clothes, fuel, food and medicines. Weather conditions are forecast to remain freezing within the region for up to three months. "External aid is essential to see the herders through the hardship of the next several months," said Australian Red Cross secretary-general Martine Letts. To the north in the landlocked independent nation of Mongolia, at least eight people and more than 500,000 animals have perished over the past two months. The United Nations is expected to launch an aid appeal there soon. The national Montsame news agency reported this week that 135,000 families and 19.2 million head of livestock were at risk.
17. Heavy Rains Wreak Havoc In Kenya...01-25
Nairobi - More than 10,000 people are reported to have been left homeless in Kenya as a heavy downpour pounded Kenya in the past two days, resulting in freak floods in various parts of the country. Most of those affected are in western Kenya and the Rift Valley. Over 300 people were displaced at the Moi Ndabi area of Naivasha district in the Rift Valley, about 100 km west of Nairobi, as floods swept away their belongings, including livestock. In the Kano plains of Kisumu district, about 450 km west of the capital, over 7,000 people were displaced after the floods and overflowing rivers submerged many homes and school buildings. The area education authorities ordered closed most of the primary and secondary schools in the area. Most of the affected families have moved into temporary dwellings on higher grounds to save their lives and those of their livestock. The acting Kisumu district commissioner, Joshua Chepchieng, described the situation as serious and said health and security personnel had been despatched to Kano. The area provincial director of education, Roselyn Onyuka, said education officials were assessing the impact of the floods on the learning process in the region in general. The local press reported Thursday that a man drowned in Nairobi's Lunga Lunga slum area, while a mother of six drowned in Kuria district, near the Tanzanian border in western Kenya, as she tried to cross a swollen river on Tuesday. The rains particularly hit Nairobi as the downpour cut off telephone links in most parts of the city. The rains killed ten people early this month when they tried to cross flooded canals in various parts of the city. The Kenya government Wednesday sent emergency teams to the affected areas to inform the people to be on alert as the meteorology department warned Kenyans to brace for more heavy rains as a result of another cyclone forming off the Madagascar coastline. Cyclone Charlie, the third after Bindu and Ando, could result in more rainfall over the western, central and southern regions of Kenya, the weathermen said.
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