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Aliens? or the "Ant People" who cared for the Hopi?
Native Americans believe there is "duality" -- good and bad --
in everything, and that would have to include
aliens. The Hopi and Pueblo say the "Ant People"
fed and cared for their people while they were living underground,
between the 3rd and 4th (our) world, before they reemerged into
the "upper world" at Sipapu, which is in the American
Southwest. |
Are the "Ant
People" back
to help us...
again? |
Saudi Arabian authorities recently banned this website
because of their accurate earthquake
Learn about
who "they" are,
what the
U.S. Gov't is hiding, the
coming pole shift,
in 2003, how
to prepare, advice
for shelter
safe from
the coming
self-reliance, meet
others, information,
etc. |
Let www.Wovoca.com help you get prepared! |

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Thanks to ZetaTalk, I've been able to join
message areas for individual topics. Quite a few knowledgeable people visit
these forums. If you have a question, post it as a new message -- someone
might have the answer. Troubled Times Forums and PSDisc are not
moderated by Blue Otter, but he is very active in these discussions.
If you have expertise in a particular subject, you may wish to help others.
(Note: Before using the forums, please read
The Golden Rule and
The Rules
of Netiquette.
[If you arrived directly to this section from another site,
you may wish to click here for the WOVOCA! Earth Mother
Crying's Table of Contents, which will direct you to specific topics of reading
Earth Mother Crying/Troubled
Times Forums
PSDisc@Egroups.com is the
pole shift discussion group, a place to rant, as the groups below are
more closely moderated. Unmoderated and open to anybody allowing free speech
to discuss anything related to the poleshift, service-to-others vs.
service-to-self orientation, spirituality, the aftertime, preparation etc.
The main language is English.
Troubled Times Welcome
- discussion of all aspects of the coming Pole Shift, based on the ZetaTalk
message. The premise of Troubled Times is that cataclysmic changes are going
to happen in our world soon. This e-group is here to deal with any questions
regarding this subject that anyone may have. Feel free to make any posting
here, or to contact the moderators personally with any questions you have,
at any time of day or night. Please visit http://www.zetatalk.com or
for more info.
Troubled Times Forum
- chatters about solutions to the coming changes. The premise of Troubled
Times is that cataclysmic changes are potentially in our future, and that
preparation means assuming the worst of what geological and written history
tell us. Please, visit
for more info.
Troubled Times News List
- announcements of additions to
the ZetaTalk web site and other Troubled
Times related news. The premise of Troubled Times is that cataclysmic changes
are potentially in our future, and that preparation means assuming the worst
of what geological and written history tell us. Please, visit
for more info.
Troubled Times Social
- chatters about personal adjustments to the changing times. The premise
of Troubled Times is that cataclysmic changes are potentially in our future,
and that preparation means assuming the worst of what geological and written
history tell us. Please, visit
for more info.
Troubled Times Watch
- chatters about the topics in The Word section such as the weather. The
premise of Troubled Times is that cataclysmic changes are potentially in
our future, and that preparation means assuming the worst of what geological
and written history tell us. Please, visit
for more info.
or prophecy-native-tribal-indigenous@egroups.com Here is a discussion
which you may enjoy. The name of the discussion is: Earth Mother Crying -
Native Prophecy Forum.To join the discussion, simply click
here. Hope
to see you there. Moderated by Blue Otter
Dreams and Visions
This group provides interpretations of dreams and visions posted by members.
Feel free to post any dream or vision that you've had, and the owner of the
list or one of the members will interpret it for you, free of any kind of
charge. Blue Otter is a regular participant here.
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