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Kaballah vs. Caballah: Sex, Satanism and Saucers |
When a comet comes and hits the earth or makes it shift it's axis will it be followed by UFO's? Or, will be some sort of deception so great the world will believe the big lie? The secret may lie in some Ancient Writings most people do not know about in the Zohar! Most people are mistaking the Masonic -New Age- Kabbalah in book stores for the real Cabbalah written by Soncino Press, N.Y., N.Y. ( The only place to get it via U.S.mail!)The fake Kabbalah is written by some black magic guru from India. It is a set of 5 books (blue) with a flame on the front called the Zohar. The New World Order or Coptic Order Kabbalah is new- written this decade.. The real one is Ancient. The new one is witchcraft and black magic. The Ancient one is basically based on the Torah or first 5 books of the Bible's Old Testament-"Good versus Evil". It states to stay away from Satanic activity. Now the new one from New Age book stores tells you to "get into the wicca and black magic ,etc. and "cast spells against they enemy". The real Cabbalah ( Zohar) is has more of an extremely technical explanation of different spirit realms and spiritual entities-some on the "good side" and some on the "bad side". It shows the methods that they use. Sexual masturbation and perversion- which includes homosexuality- is provoked , manipulated and used by the "evil ones" for their draining of our spiritual energies. Does this remind you of the UFO abductee scenario? This book was written a long time before the UFO craze. You will see that the UFO hype by our media is an intentional diversion by the Masonic Federal government in collusion with Witchcraft Hollywood .We have become a nation of demons -Babylon The Great! In Revelations 18:23 " By your magic spell the world was led astray..... the blood of prophets...and all those killed on earth.." Babylon is the biggest IMPORT nation-as we are today. It rules over the leaders of the world -as the U.S. does- with the U.N. building in N.Y. The Harlot with her cup- of- fire in the Harbor "surrounded by many waters" matches the Ancient scriptures also. She has many types of people and languages like the U.S. and no other nation fits the bill. Rev.:18:10 " In one hour she met her doom...the merchants of the earth mourned over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore". The U.S. will be snuffed out and burned with fire in a secret nuke attack.Rev:18:8 " She will be consumed with fire".Revelations 18:2 "She has become the haunt of demons and every evil spirit".Rev.: 18:4 " Come out of her my people so you will not share in the plague that will be put on her" (NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE! Our President even put that into a treaty with Russia and China 2 years ago.) When reading the Zohar or Cabbalah- the real one not the fake one in New Age stores- you will see that the UFO mystery is no mystery at all. And we are repeating history once again as in Genesis 6:1 !!!!!!( Note: This is type "A" UFO -it is etheric. The "Esoterics" of NASA / NSA have obtained their data to make manmade UFO's via the "Round Table" channeling seance mixed with some secret methods. Thus, Type "B" UFO was created through "forward engineering" -not "reverse engineering"! That is why it takes days or weeks to find a crashed airplane but the military Black Operations is right on top of a crashed saucer in a few minutes.The New World Order tried to form twice this century already but the honeymoon ended in two world wars. International Occult-Science groups worked together -like at Montauk. They secretly had hidden agendas like Germany cutting and running with the "cookie-jar" which was the real cause of World War Two.( I personally knew an old WW2 General that was there when wingless craft were found at a top secret underground factory in Germany -after Hitler committed suicide. ) In mind control these different versions of manmade hovercraft can appear invisible and bombard your house with microwave E.L.F. On the other hand -their MASTERS- type "A" UFO use the "etheric -waves" as in demonic influence for mind control. Type "A" harrassment can be eliminated by honest prayer, fasting, obedience to the Holy One, etc. But , type "B" harrassment must be eliminated by shielding and grounding out -or deflecting- the microwave carrier that the E.L.F. rides on. (The same goes for these so-called "non-lethal weapons"- just totally shield and ground it out. I am suspicious of anybody that tries to tell you different. Look at your microwave oven door. There is nothing there but a screen you can look through. If you were to put your hand in there for 15 seconds or more you will loose it to amputation at the hospital next !) So shielding works ! Do not let some lying intelligence agent tell you any differently. The Kabbalah has many passages that explain the relationship of sex to Satan and saucers. That is why the UFO cults give great reference to the Nazi German scientist Wilhelm Reich , Satanist Aliester Crowley, Ron L. Hubbard father of Scientology and the other ex-Nazis that created NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratories. These same men did experiments together prior to the war and afterward- complements of Project Paperclip and Henry Kissinger.At Montauk Island , New York , with electronics they pulled other monstrous entities into this dimension. In the western desert states they pulled in UFO's out of the other dimensions by sexual magic and weird electro-alchemic gadgets of their day. After reading writings by these sex- mad satanic-Masonic- scientologists , I can not help wondering if some of these missing children are going into some underground "hell-hole"sexually raped and cut open alive in sacrifice to their God -Satan or Lucifer for more "technology transfers". My gut feeling says that I am right! This Cosmic Conquest for power and new knowledge is as old as Genesis of the Bible. It was the religion of the Mayan, Aztecs, Hawaii Islands , Egypt , Babylon , Israel and around the world at some point in their histories. Gross human executions by cutting their hearts out and showing it to the victim before they died , castration, beheadedment and cannibalism. Now today our so-called civilized societies are sliding into a united Luciferian cause for the sake of Nature once again- a perverted, silent form of human slaughter by high-tech means for the god of the Masonic Ancient Mysteries! That is why on our military bases the offices of the NSA,NASA, EPA, and Project Harmony -KGB,CIA with Gurka Mercenaries,etc.- are all next door to each other on the same block. One big happy family - a Luciferian La Costa Nostra ! And your children will be the victims too-America ! This is what Project Falling Star -that I was on -was all about ! (And ,I have many hours of film footage to prove it !) W.D. Ross Sept.4, 2000 Copyright Reserved There are many more and better examples of all of this in the 5 Ancient Books of the Zohar. KABBALAH - CABBALAH -ZOHAR reads as follows Page 169, Book One of the :The evil serpent causes death to descend as the spirit tries to cling to the Tree Of Life. This is because men in all their wickedness had learnt all kinds of enchantments and majic and clung to worldly knowledge. Thus the separation began from man and God............ God fixed the Cherubin in the place who closed the path to Paradise....the flame of a sword which turned in every way ...those beings ever in readiness to chastise the world and who take all manner of shapes being sometimes male ,sometimes female,sometimes flaming fire....sometimes terrible winds....punitive spirits who heap fire on the wicked.. that assume so many various forms are charged to maltreat and harry in this world of sinners who deliberately transgress the precepts of their master. For when a man sins he draws toward himself a number of evil spirits and emissaries of punishment.....a man should be on guard of all 4 sides against people that are not cleansed because their unclean spirits will pass on to you...they are from the evil serpent who has defiled the world....when the evil serpent injected his impurity into Eve, she absorbed it, so when Adam had intercourse with her she had two sons ..Abel had a resemblance to the higher form of spirit and Cain had a (Pg.173, BK.One)resemblance to the lower form (the Evil One)...Cain and the Angel of Death...plotted to kill his brother... caused by demons and goblins and evil spirits.......two female spirits then used to come and have intercourse with him and he bore from them spirits of the Angel of Death that now multiplied and circle the earth...when a man dreams in his sleep ,female spirits often come and disport with him, and so conceive from him giving birth and the creatures thus produced are called plagues of mankind ; they appear always under the form of human beings, BUT THEY HAVE NO HAIR ON THEIR HEADS.( Pg.175,Bk.One) In the same way male spirits visit visit women and make them pregnant so that they may bring forth spirits.... other sons were not endowed with a full human form because of the attachment of the serpents spirits. This Naamah was the mother of demons and from her originate all those evil spirits which mix with and arouse them concupiscence, which leads them to defilement... (Pg.186, Bk.One) The Nephilum were in the earth...God deprived of their eternal supernal sanctity... they were the class of spirits referred to in the words " BIRDS WHICH FLY ON THE EARTH" and these appear unto men in the form of human beings...they transform themselves into all kinds of shapes. They are those that rebelled in heaven and were cast down to earth by God ,with their Master the Evil one, and became corporeal on the earth and REMAINED ON IT, not being able to divest themselves of their earthly form. Subsequently they went astray after women and mated with them , and UP TO THIS DAY THEY EXIST AND TEACH MEN THE ARTS OF .MAGIC . They begat childrenwhom they called Anakim -or GIANTS-, while the Nephilum themselves were called "SONS OF GOD" that were of the lesser density of pure spirit becausethey had "fallen from heaven and grace" thus breeding a more dense offspring "the giants" - Anakim-destroyed in the flood. Copyright; William Dean Ross AKA "POINTMAN" AKA "CONDOR Sept.4, 2000
Further ResourcesUFO Books
NOTE: The Air Force's most recent explanation of "The Roswell Crash" is available from the Government Printing Office for $18 (US) and $22.50 (non-US) at: GPO Return to more Controversies. Shapeshift to WOVOCA! for the Main Index. |
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