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HOPI INDIAN PROPHECY- The Hopi Elders answer questions - part 4 of 5 |
The Hopi Elders answer questions on the Art Bell Radio Show on June 16, 1998
Part 4 AB: Alright, back now to my guests, Robert in the Black Hills and Grandfather One and Two, in Phoenix, Arizona. Here is, I guess, a hard question but one that I should ask. I understand that Native Elders speak about prophecy through the tradition of story telling and I guess there are stories that relate to something called the 'Purifier'. Is there some way that Grandfather could explain to us a story about what the 'Purifier' is and, perhaps, a little bit of the story. Is that on okay question?
Grandfathers One and Two talk back and forth in the Hopi Tongue.
G2: The story about that is that we do know that we did have a brother who was set out and he is out there and with that brother and, from the Society of the One Horned Clan, they made a pact that....from the One Horned Clan and the Society and the brother had make like a.....it's a law that the purifying time would come. This was already done, it was like it had been already organized and it was, you know, established.
GW: Like a contract.
G2: The stories that there will be come a time that whoever is going to come and, you know, to purify the people.....I'm having a hard time, here.
AB: I understand. It is hard to translate this.
G2: Ya.
GW: Sometimes there are not words that translate to English.
AB: I understand. Maybe I could ask this. What is the 'Purifier'? Is the 'Purifier', is it the Hopi Prophecy or is the 'Purifier' something specific? Is it a comet or is it something from the heavens or how may we know what the 'Purifier' is?
Grandfathers One and Two talk back and forth in the Hopi Tongue.
G2: The 'Purifier' is mentioned is the other brother that was sent forth, out to the East, and this was the teaching that he had.....that he was sent of to the East and he would reach the point of origin where the Sun would come out from. When he reached that place, then he would touch his head to the Earth and he would return back to us. When this, you know, time comes that's the end of....the end times....time for a purification time when he will return back. He is the one that has the....in a way, you know....the weapons or the artillery and he is the Big Brother so he would know what to do and how he would help us and how we would go about in having to make us understand. His job is to make us understand and try to get ourselves to behave in the way that we're supposed to and, if we don't, then the one from the West will come and they are the ones that are going to come with much force. He, the 'Purifier', the one that went to the East, is supposed to be big enough to take on the ones that are coming from the West. That is going to become like the Third World War.
AB: Third World War, is the 'Purifier'. Alright, he has talked much....Grandfather has talked much about corruption. In our cities and in our small towns.....and I do not know about your reservations.....but in our cities and small towns, we have, now, many, many stories of children going to school and shooting other children and teachers and their parents. Things that we cannot seem to understand, at all. Does Grandfather have any idea why these things seem to be happening in our society?
GW: We also might want to see if Grandmother might like to speak on this subject.
Grandfathers One and Two talk back and forth in the Hopi Tongue.
G2: You know, in the cities itself, what's going on.....what you mentioned.....yes, these are part of the teachings and the prophesies that, when we get to these end times, you know, we're all going to start going corrupt. Even, you know, the children because they don't really believe in anything, even what we're trying to teach them and what we try to talk to them about. You know, they look at you but they have a different opinion about these things and they don't believe that. It's hard to try to teach the young ones and even grown-ups, even adults, are in the same situation. It's not just the children who are in this kind of situation, right now, it's even the adults who are in that kind of situation and, you know, there's a lot of corruption in this way, but we do know that these things would start to take place in the school systems and all over where even young children would start to take lives, like that, because it is just a corruption of the mind from the way things are going, right now.
Grandfather One speaks to Grandfather Two.
G2: Even the children will go against their own parents. These are the things that have been taught. They're all going to start turning against their own parents and that's what's happening, that's what you're seeing out there.
AB: Yes, we are. Grandfather talked about corruption. Is it reasonable to ask this? Could this be happening to us, also, because we have reached a fantastic level of technology and have changed from spiritual to materialistic human beings, where our technological knowledge exceeds our spiritual wisdom? Can you translate that?
Grandfathers One and Two talk back and forth in the Hopi Tongue.
G2: Yes. He feels that, that is happening, there, that we're misleading ourselves from that, from the material side of it and walking away from the spiritual sense of it.
AB: Has this, also, occurred with the Hopi Nation? It is occurring, of course, in this country....in the cities....in the small towns.....this move to materialism, but has it also been occurring within the Hopi Nation?
G2: Yes, it is happening there, too. Yes.
AB: Do Grandfather's people believe that it is worthwhile stockpiling food and water or are these changes going to be so big that is simply, really doesn't make much difference, one way or the other?
Grandfathers One and Two talk back and forth in the Hopi Tongue.
G2: Ya, he does know that it is known that we should, you know, stockpile our goods....our dry goods.....and it's been taught from long time.....way back. That's why we should never forget, you know, about farming and how to take care of ourselves because you never know when it will hit and that's why they teach us these things, as young. Also, to answer the end part of your question, it is worth doing that. When the time comes, it may not be, you know, such a good idea to do that but it's worth trying to do something like that because they say that, you know, the time in their limitation is at least a month to two months that we will be without food and water so we need to store away as much as we can for that amount of time. We have different clans who are supposed to take care of these situations. About the food items and things like that, there are certain clans that do have that power and authority over that but the majority of the people, out home, they have walked away from their teachings and they've walked away from their spiritual side of it. They've forgotten that and.....I guess I could say that they really haven't forgotten it but they've just ignored it and now they will have to suffer the consequences.
AB: Alright, I think that we probably don't have time for another translated question before the top of the hour so, hold on in Phoenix. We're very honored to have you with us. Robert, is there anything that you can think of that we should be asking when we come back?
GW: I would suggest that we ask Grandmother if she would like to speak on some of these matters.
AB: Alright.
GW: I think that would be a good thing and, perhaps, we could ask her again about the children or what we can do for our children and then possibly go into what is meant by the emergence of the 5th World and what we're going to.
AB: And, also, I guess we might endeavor to ask whether Hopi Prophecy tells us anything about what is going to happen after the Purification, after the changes.
GW: What will life be like, then?
AB: That's right, so that is exactly what we'll do. Alright, everybody, I'm Art Bell and I don't think this has every been done before and we're trying to do it, tonight. You are listening to two Hopi Elders from the Sinom, in Arizona. You're listening to Robert who is in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I'm Art Bell, in Pahrump.
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