Concurrent with the Vatican's negotiations for authority over the Old City
of Jerusalem, others who would also establish a claim to the throne of David
have a covetous eye on the Holy Land. The Illuminati are the top echelon
of a vast network of organizations which make up a Secret Brotherhood covering
the globe. Within this network are found 6 major divisions: Banking &
Money, Secret Societies, Political, Intelligence, Religions, and Education.
The Secret Societies encompass the elite Prieuré de Sion, the
Rosicrucians, the Orders of Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, the Grand Orient
Lodge, the Grand Alpina Lodge, the Knights Templar, the Royal Order of the
Garter. According to one Rosicrucian book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, although
the Prieuré de Sion is the elite society that created the Knights
Templar, the order from which the other societies originated, this august
body has maintained a low profile from its inception and remains behind the
scenes orchestrating critical events in Western history.
"The Prieuré de Sion exists today and is still operative. It is
influential and plays a role in high-level international affairs as well
as in the domestic affairs of certain European countries... The avowed and
declared objective of the Prieuré de Sion is the restoration of the
Merovingian dynasty and bloodline - not only to the throne of France, but
to the thrones of other European nations as well." (3)
According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the infamous Protocols of the Elders
of Sion have been slanderously misrepresented and are, instead of an evil
conspiracy, a humanitarian proposal authored by the elite Prieuré
de Sion. In other words, the proposed new world order of the Prieuré
will be a benevolent "Masonic kingdom" led by a new king of "the holy seed
of David."
In 1128, the Prieuré de Sion, under the auspices of the Roman Catholic
Church, created the Order of the Knights Templar to protect pilgrims to the
Holy Land after the first Crusade. The Prieuré also claim to be the
Guardians of the Holy Grail -- the sacred icon of the Merovingian bloodline.
The Holy Grail or Sangreal blasphemously represents the royal blood of Jesus
as having been preserved in this lineage, which is therefore heir to the
throne in the Temple at Jerusalem. According to another popular Grail book,
Bloodline of the Holy Grail by Laurence Gardiner, the Merovingian dynasty
derives its name from the 5th century King Merovee of France, a descendant
of the mystical Fisher-Kings, who was reportedly sired by:
". . . the mysterious sea beast -- the Bistea Neptunis -- as symbolically
defined in the Merovingian ancestry. The relevant sea-lord was King Pallas,
a god of old Arcadia
The immortal sea-lord was said to be 'ever-incarnate
in a dynasty of ancient kings' whose symbol was a fish - as was the traditional
symbol of Jesus. (4)
It seems that the Roman authorities did not recognize the Messianic claim
of the Merovingian lords but viewed the cult with a morbid suspicion of ulterior
motives: "During the latter years of the declining Empire, the greatest of
all threats to the Roman Church arose from a Desposynic royal strain in Gaul.
They were the Merovingian dynasty
" (5)
There is a pronounced anti-Catholic bias in all Merovingian literature which
presages the outcome of this campaign for the seat of authority in Jerusalem.
Revelation 17 does indicate that, during a brief interlude, there will be
a global merger of Church and State to establish a world government. During
this unholy alliance, the Harlot Church will ride the beast "drunken with
the blood of the saints and with the martyrs of Jesus." However, after she
"hath glorified herself, and lived wantonly," then suddenly -- "
ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and
shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her
with fire."
Authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail give a further clue as to why the Prieuré
de Sion would ally with the Vatican and later break faith. In 1314, Pope
Clement V and King Philippe IV of France martyred the last Grand Master of
the Knights Templar -- Jacques de Molay.
"As the smoke from the slow fire choked the life from his body, Jacques de
Molay is said to have issued an imprecation from the flames. According to
tradition he called his persecutors -- Pope Clement and King Philippe --
to join him and account for themselves before the court of God within the
year. Within a month Pope Clement was dead
"By the end of the year Philippe was dead as well. There is, of course, no
need to look for supernatural explanations. The Templars possessed great
expertise in the use of poisons and there were certainly enough people
to exact the appropriate vengeance. Nevertheless, the apparent
fulfillment of the grand master's curse lent credence to belief in the orders
occult powers. Nor did the curse end there
" (6)
Authors Biagent, Leigh and Lincoln propose that the French Revolution was
perpetrated by the successors of the Knights Templar -- the French Freemasons
-- to exact vengeance for the death of their Grand Master. The insinuation
is plain that the final and "appropriate vengeance" toward the Vatican will
be forthcoming when the Merovingian dynasty asserts its authority over its
world kingdom. They propose that, in place of the Vatican papacy, a royal
heir of Merovingian descent, "The King of the Jews will be the real Pope"
and "patriarch of an international church." The Prieuré de Sion's
objectives include:
a theocratic United States of Europe - a trans- or pan-European
confederation assembled into a modern empire and ruled by a dynasty descended
from Jesus. This dynasty would not only occupy a throne of political or secular
power, but quite conceivably the throne of Saint Peter as well. Under that
supreme authority there might then be an interlocking network of kingdoms
or principalities, connected by dynastic alliances and intermarriage -- a
kind of twentieth century feudal system, but without the abuses usually
associated with that term. And the actual process of governing would presumably
reside with the Prieuré de Sion -- which might take the form of, say,
a European Parliament endowed with executive and/or legislative privileges...
"In a very real sense the time is right for the Prieuré to show its
hand. The political systems and ideologies that in the early years of our
century seemed to promise so much have virtually all displayed a degree of
bankruptcy. Communism, socialism, fascism, capitalism, Western-style democracy
have all, in one way or another, betrayed their promise, jaundiced their
adherents, and failed to fulfill the dreams they engendered
There is
a longing for a renewed sense of the sacred that amounts, in effect, to a
full-scale religious revival -- exemplified by the proliferation of sects
and cults, for example, and the swelling tide of fundamentalism in the United
States. There is also a desire for a true 'leader' -- not a führer,
but a species of wise and benign spiritual figure, a 'priest-king' in whom
mankind can safely repose its trust
There are many devout Christians
who do not hesitate to interpret the Apocalypse as nuclear holocaust. How
might the advent of Jesus' lineal descendant be interpreted? To a receptive
audience, it might be a kind of Second Coming." (7)
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