Trace Outline of the Oklahoma Rock Carving
There is a certain rock carving on the Cimarron Bluffs in Oklahoma,
described in the book America B.C. by Barry Fell. The inscription is
in two languages, shown to be Canaanite (Phoenician) and Celtic (Ogham).
It is the word for the same thing in both languages: "Whites".
The interesting thing about this, is that according to the Ethiopian
Bible Book of Jubilees, the whole Earth was divided among Noah's 3
childranand 16 grandchildran, around the time of the fall of the Tower
of Babel. The boundaries given in Jubilees specify that the line separating
Ham's land to the South, from Yafet's land to the North, runs due West from
"Gadir" i.e. Gibraltar. (The border line between the two also ran through
the Meditteranean, so Ham received Africa and Yafet Europe.)
Since Gibraltar is on the 36th parallel, a line running due West from
there does not strike land until it hits Ablemarle Sound, North Carolina.
Yet Jubilees clearly details how, the sub-portion within Ham's inheritance
that is "on the sea" falls to Cana'an, while within Yafet's inheritance, the
sub-portion "on the sea" is given to Moshakh.
If you guessed that this line of the 36th parallel, separating Moshakh
(son of Yafet) to the North, from Cana'an (son of Ham) to the South,
crosses the Cimarron cliffs - where the word "whites" appears in both
Canaanite and Celtic Ogham - you'd be 100% right.
The descendants of Moshakh were not the Celts, but evidently knew them well.
Their name may be seen in Massachusetts, the oldest land; also in the
Tenakomakan (Powhatan) word MONSHAKWATUHW meanin 'Heaven' - and the
Linneelinapie (Delaware) have a similar word for 'Heaven'. Other
sub-groups within Moshakia include: Wabenaqodee & Meegmagheek, Wingandaghwa
(Pimlico), Shawania, Anishnabiewakee, Tseehistano, Seekseekia, Heenono'eyno,
There was also an Anatolian tribe called the Mushki, who disappeared
early in history around the time of the Hittite Empire (though some groups in
ex-Soviet Georgia claim descent from them too). The trail of "Sea Peoples"
leads from them to Cyprus, Crete, the Aegean, Sicily, Etruria, North Africa,
and Iberia, preceding the general rush of pioneers from the Middle
East across the virgin seas.
By the way - Jubilees also chronicles how Cana'an was the first to break
the treaty, by settling in modern Israel, that had been given to Shem.
But the abundance of Canaanite, Phoenician and Carthaginian inscriptions
found in both North and South America, indicates that the Canaanites
eventually did find their inheritance "on the sea". Later admixtures
of blood soon made the "whites" distinction less meaningful - hence all are
called "Indian" - including other groups that found their way across the
Pacific, or even from Wales.
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