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OMEGA - The Truth is Out There |
OMEGA The Truth is Out There
by Bobbie "Jilain" Felder
This is the fourth installment in my essays on the Omega Agency. There has been much discussion of the material contained in these files. Those who know me personally have asked me questions about it, and I think it time that I address some of the most prevalent ones.
First of all, why am I being given this information? Isn't this in conflict to what is generally accepted as the nature of the ufo field? People who know of these things don't talk about them. That's the general assumption. Isn't the goal of the cover-up conspiracy to keep such knowledge OUT of the public's hands and minds? I will address these questions with a question of my own. Is it not generally taken as a "given" that there is some sort of plan in action worldwide, some sort of agenda utilizing the media, radio, television, movies, books, etc., aimed at preparing the people of the world for some big event? There doesn't seem to be a lot of dissention on that point. So what is the prime goal of any plan? Is not the goal to see that plan through to its successful completion? Given that fact, why is it so hard to accept that as a part of the completion of this plan, disclosure of secrets long held will have to be made? It appears that there is a general assumption that when such disclosure is made, it will come through either a known, credentialed news media source, or a respected and credible researcher in the ufo field. But this is merely an assumption. Without the full details of the plans known, is it safe to assume that full disclosure will be made as it seems to be expected? Those who study the ufo field and its related topics should know that rarely is the expected the true nature of the way things are.
Second, I'm asked why I should expect anyone to believe these things to be fact. To that, I can only reply thusly: I don't expect anyone to believe it based solely on these writings. I would hope these writings would peak the curiosity of others, and they would, in turn, begin investigating these matters on their own. All I ask of anyone reading these files is that they consider the possibilities. I can say that I no longer have doubts as to the existence of Omega, the connection to the Visitors that Agency has, the agenda that they have planned, their connection to the military, etc. While I know that I'm not being given the whole truth at this point, I do know that the person telling me these things is not lying about his connection to Omega and the Visitors. I asked for proof of this, and received it. The experience shattered my concept of the world and the universe we live in, destroying all I have been taught throughout my lifetime in a matter of 20 minutes. Though I still don't know a lot about what is going on with Omega, and where this is all leading, I do know this: we are not alone in the universe, and there are people of this world who have known this for a very long time. And they are now working to bring that knowledge to the public at large in a way that will be as least disruptive as possible.
Omega is not about mass control, it is not about mind control or forcing the world to bend to its will. Omega is about bringing the people of planet Earth into a universal forum, where we humans can begin to enjoy the wonders of space travel openly, can mingle with races from other worlds, and learn from their cultures, their art, their science, their philosophy. The men of Omega, especially the group known as the 15, have dedicated their lives to this purpose. And they will see it through. Omega has the power, the technology, the military might at its disposal right now to force the world to its rule. But they will not do that. Though I do not agree with some of the tactics they have used and are planning to use, I can see the reasoning behind it.
The Omega plan calls for the re-education of the world, of all the world's peoples, not just the citizens of the United States. Their plan is based on similar plans that have been implemented and have worked well on other planets, other cultures and civilizations that were in much the same shape as the people of Earth today. The plan was first hinted at by the Visitors during the time of first contact early in this century. According to Omega, it is a method of re-education that has worked on many, many worlds, and they are confident that it will work here.
This re-education program is far-reaching and in-depth. It will reveal the truths so long kept in secret from the people of this world. And this is not merely the truth to the "ufo phenomenon". It reaches to the core of our society...from our erroneous views on the true nature of the Creator to our concept of the space/time continuum. And Omega does not expect to be able to re-educate the entire population of the planet. They are targeting the approximately 1% of the population that are open-minded, non-judgmental of other races and cultures, do not waste time arguing over trivial God images, have respect for the health of the world's environment, and are generally willing to explore all possibilities. The other 99%, according to Omega, are basically "sheep" and will follow where they are led.
The third most common question I am asked is why am I allowed to speak of these things, and to pass the information to the Internet. That answer is very simple. Its all part of the education process.
Omega professes no desire to control, in the sense that most think a world-wide governing body would control their daily lives. Under Omega's rule, people will retain their freedoms, such as freedom of speech. No one will be a slave to Omega or any other organization. In fact, slavery of any sort is illegal in all worlds. Under Omega, majority will rule. And the ruling council will be made up of people from around the globe, representing every country and culture in the world today.
The Visitors are not here to conquer planet Earth. They are not here to rape our planet of its resources or to enslave the Earth's people for use as their work force. They do not consume humans as a food source, and the total number of true alien abductions numbers slightly over 800 total in the past 40 or 50 years. Those agencies and groups who are working to thwart Omega's plans are responsible for far more abductions than any of the Visitors combined.
Each Visitor race has representatives here on Earth at this time. Many have been here for 50 or more years. The Visitors are not angels, they are not demons or devils as portrayed in Biblical text. They are not interdimensional creatures. They are physical beings that are born, grow up to maturity, grow old and die, just as we do. They have not come here to save our souls, or to exploit our world. They have come here to help us move out into the universal neighborhood that they call home, and by doing so, they preserve their own way of life. Just as we expect anyone who comes to the United States, for example, to abide by the laws of the US, so the Visitors expect us humans to abide by the laws of their universal coalition when we journey to their lands. I personally don't think this is asking too much.
Those involved with Omega, humans as well as Visitors, bear a symbol of that agency on their dress uniforms and their ships. The symbol was described to me in this way: A triangle, its point turned upward. The outline of the triangle is black, the interior background yellow. Inside the interior, centered in the triangle, is a graphic representation of the Earth (in the case of humans and our craft), a representation of the home world of a Visitor race in their case. >From each side of the triangle, originating on the inside aspect of the outer line, is a lightning bolt. These two bolts cut across the yellow background and terminate at the planetary graphic in the center.
There is much to learn, and much to sort out, before all of the information available to these select few of Omega comes to light. And there must be a willingness on the part of the people to accept it before full disclosure will be made. As I have stated before, Omega is, if nothing else, a patient lot.
This I can now say with absolute certainty. While I know that I have not as yet been given the whole truth, I do know one thing.
The person telling me these things is not lying about who and what he is.
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