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TWA 800 Investigation |
Happened in Germany' - TWA Flight 800
From Jon Gentry <jgentry@bigplanet.com> 8-29-00
Mike wrote...
I have been an avid student of history for most of my life. I have studied the rise of the Nazi's to power in Germany in the 1930's and have wondered why the German people allowed this atrocity to unfold one step at a time without objection until it resulted in the entire destruction of their country and the death of millions of people.
Yesterday, the United States National Transportation Safety Board announced that TWA 800 was destroyed by the explosion of the center fuel tank from an unknown ignition source. They also stated that there was "NO" evidence to support that the aircraft was shot down by a missle.
Now I understand what happened in Germany.
W. Craig Roberts replies...
NTSB Rules that there is NO evidence of a missile or bomb on TWA 800...
Let me see....
1. Over 200 witnesses saw a missile or "flare" go up from the water and turn, then hit the airplane, which then had a small and following large explosion.
2. Some of these witnesses were military, in aircraft in close proximity.
3. A Stinger missile mortar ejector can was found by a trawler at the site.
4. All witnesses were "interviewed" by the FBI and told that they DID NOT see a missile.
5. The CIA becomes involved and creates a cartoon video that is totally different than the actual event to explain it--in total defiance of the witnesses descriptions.
6. Evidence in the Calverton hangar is altered by bending metal in opposite directions AFTER the reconstruction.
7. The FBI steals all evidence that shows missile evidence and refuses to return it.
8. The NTSB investigation is run by the FBI.
9. Missile fuel residue is found on the seatbacks, but the finder is prosecuted by the government.
10. Author James Sanders questions the government findings, has analysis done on the seatback cloth, but HE is the one prosecuted by the DoJ.
11. Radar tapes are confiscated and sealed by the FBI.
12. Radar tapes showed a missile, and other unusual "watercraft" near the site.
13. The Navy lies and says on Day Two that there were NO military vessels or aircraft in the vicinity. (Forget about the USS Normandy, two UH-60 Blackhawks, a P-3 Orion anti-sub aircraft, and a C-130, not to mention a coast guard cutter and probably a submarine).
And so much more. Once again, the Clinton/Gore gang engages in media mind control for the masses.
"Remember the number of the hook where you hang your clothes before you go to the shower....RAUS....SCHNELL!!! _____
JG says...
To all my dear friends surfing the internet:
This is clever, even funny, but it's not. Pray with me that the American people will wake up. Some of you may have had loved ones on Flight 800. Americans deserve better. Americans deserve the truth. I think the comments above are a "bullseye" of a hit. Only, the German people didn't have the internet. Let's use it, folks, before we all become "comrades."
TWA 800 Investigation [Click here to scroll past the article to view the Links.] Traces of the explosive PETN (used in both bombs and guided missiles) were found on the debris of TWA flight 800, which crashed off the Long Island shore on July 17, 1996 killing 230 people. The crash has been classified as an accident. The finding of PETN was, however, not revealed to the public at an FBI or NTSB press conference. The only reason this most significant discovery became known to the American people was because several high-level investigators leaked the information to the New York Times. According to Reuters, the first FBI reaction to this leaked report was an official "no comment." When chief FBI crash investigator James Kallstrom was asked how long he had known about this evidence, Reuters reported that "Kallstrom would not disclose how long he had known of the findings." According to the New York Times article, "The [positive] test was conducted as long as two weeks ago, investigators said. But instead of announcing the finding then, FBI officials decided to take extraordinary precautions to keep the findings secret as long as possible. The information was so tightly controlled that only three or four senior investigators knew about it until several [others] were told at a private briefing." The FBI withheld this major evidence for two weeks, and the only reason it ever got out was due to a leak. During those two weeks what were we being told by Kallstrom & Co.? That they had no definite evidence of a missile or bomb on board. Yet, even as explosives residue was found on the bodies of victims and on the outside of the plane, the FBI moved quickly to sweep away the evidence that had become know to the public by suggesting that the explosive material must have been inadvertently tracked into the plane by Gulf War soldiers or as a result of bomb training supposedly conducted inside the plane a few weeks before. When asked by the press about the leaking of truth to the public, Reuters reported that "Kallstrom appeared irritated. He said if the information had come from anyone on his staff, he would fire them." Investigators at the reconstruction hangar in Calverton, New York consistently scored positive PETN "hits" with their "highly sophisticated" Egis bomb-detection system. However, secondary explosives tests conducted at FBI headquarters in Washington DC were consistently negative on the same debris. The second negative tests always superseded the first positive tests.
According to the New York Times, with their positive tests constantly
contradicted by the FBI in DC, hangar investigators began to suspect that
these FBI findings were part of an attempt to cover up the truth. As the
New York Times reported. "Certain federal agents, calling the FBI's
laboratory in Washington a "black hole," remained convinced that the bureau
was hiding its positive lab confirmations. To put it bluntly, the investigators
believed the FBI was lying. The above citation is the testimony of investigators
telling us that they believe the FBI is conducting a cover-up. The evidence
suggests that while the truth stops at the top, the rank-and-file investigators
are generally honest and through them reporters have gotten the most true
picture." Such an effort of investigators to hide information not only from the press but from other investigators clearly suggests that the investigation has been broken down according to plan into compartmentalized units that hide information from each other. Such organization ensures that nobody can see the big picture and thus that everyone below the top is mostly in the dark. The evidence very strongly suggests that rank-and-file investigators are being intimidated into silence against their initial and natural inclinations to tell the truth. Such instinctive honesty is why, in case after case, we get the truth from a given investigator but then silence, indicating that after their wrongful respect of the truth they were censured. For example: after Medical Examiner Dr. Charles V. Wetli informed reporters that passengers in the forward portion for the plane were hit hardest -- indicating that the major event was in the front, not the center of the plane -- the New York Times reported that Dr. Wetli and others then "backed off even the shadings of meaning their examinations had produced. An explosion had happened and killed people was as much as he could say." TWA pilots who were interviewed by the St. Louis Post Dispatch said that they had come to the conclusion that "people who had information concerning the explosion, including those who reported seeing a missile, had been pressured to remain silent." The FBI's desire to conceal the debris from public view was clear from the start. The FBI even made sure that all photographs were developed on-site so as to prevent the possibility that the truth might leak out through private-sector photo shops. As Newsweek (08/5/96) reported, "FBI men stopped NTSB officials from photographing the wreckage because 'they didn't want our people taking pictures and sending them out to Snappy photo' as opposed to a secure FBI lab..." Indeed every effort was made to keep debris out of public sight. In an article about the recovery scene on the public beach after the crash, Newsday described a boathouse that was used to store the evidence that the Navy crash-recovery team was bringing ashore, observing that, "[T]he boathouse... remained cordoned off by police tape. Windows in the boathouse are blocked with cardboard, and the media is forbidden to take pictures because investigators don't want evidence photographed." Not only is the FBI hiding (a) the debris, (b) the reconstruction, (c) the radar records, (d) the satellite records, (e) the photo negatives, but throughout the investigation, even before the gathering of debris, the FBI and NTSB have constantly favored a bomb on-board or mechanical failure even when they are said to have zero supporting evidence, over the missile theory with over 150 consistent and uniformly triangulated eyewitnesses accounts of a missile hit according to investigators.
The Veracity of the Russell ReportThe Internet document declaring that TWA 800 was shot down by a Navy missile, which Pierre Salinger held as evidence, is widely reported and assumed to be an anonymous fabrication, written by some clever con-artist. The fact is that the author is a known, retired crash investigator with connections inside the TWA 800 investigation. As USA Today (10/31/96) said, "Richard Russell, a retired United Airlines pilot and former crash investigator, shouldn't have been surprised when an authoritative sounding e-mail he sent to fewer than a dozen friends Aug. 22 --claiming a government coverup in the crash of TWA Flight 800 -- was copied across the 'Net." The article also says he sticks by his report but must protect his source. The New York Times (11/17/96) states that the "anonymous message that began circulating in late August... was written on America Online by Richard Russell, a 66-year-old Floridian and former United Airlines pilot. Russell later told reporters that he never intended his message -- originally a private E-mail communication sent to about a dozen friends who were aviation accident investigators -- to be widely distributed." "Russell can't be accused of courting publicity. He says he has been contacted by several major television shows, but they've all lost interest because he won't give up his source." If there were a coverup underway, it would most logically surface around the edges; that is, the real story would leak through reliable people with verifiable inside connections within the body in which the coverup is being perpetrated. That is exactly the case here. The Watergate affair, generally accepted as a "true coverup," rested largely on the anonymous source "Deep Throat," yet we tend to accept the veracity of this secret source to the extent it's consistent with accepted facts. Consistency should dictate that the same standard would hold for the Russell document. Consistency with Multiple Sources The St. Louis Post Dispatch (11/09/96) interviewed several TWA pilots who, based on inside knowledge, say that TWA 800 was hit by a U.S. Navy missile. Consistent with an AP report (09/23/96), one TWA pilot of 20 years said investigators found a hole in the plane believed to be caused by a missile. Another pilot said "high-level sources in the Pentagon" indicate it was a Navy missile hit. One pilot said, "At least nine out of 10 pilots will tell you they believe this was a missile. We know of military practices where they will lock onto commercial aircraft for testing, but then do not detonate the missile." The Workers World News Service (09/19/96) reported that many TWA and airport workers, based on their inside knowledge, find the Navy guilty of the TWA 800 disaster. WCBS-TV of New York reported (09/05/96) that information leaked from the top-secret crash investigation suggests that TWA 800 may have been downed by a military missile. The report quickly disappeared, as FBI and White House officials condemn the idea of Navy culpability as absurd and a sign of mental imbalance. The Jerusalem Post (07/21/96) says French Defense Ministry agents believe that TWA 800 was taken out by a Navy missile. While many victims were from France, French investigators were, in violation of routine in international disaster protocol, forbidden from assisting in the FBI-NAVY-NTSB top-secret investigation. Consistency of Russell Report With Facts The Russell report, apart from the claim of Navy guilt, gives information that is consistent with fact. It states that a U.S. Navy guided-missile ship that did the firing was in area W-105. This is true, although the Navy claims it was too far away. Area W-105 was also activated at the time for military maneuvers. The Russell report also says that the ship was intended to fire a missile over a P-3 Orion, which would measure the missile's course. In fact, a P-3 Orion was at the very location Russell's report indicates it should have been. To my knowledge, Russell's report was the initial source for many of these details. What is more, over 150 witnesses reported a missile flying across the sky, which then hit TWA 800, causing it to explode. "Deep Throat's" story was never so well corroborated. As one witness, Lou Desyron, told ABC World News (Sunday, 07/21/96), "We saw what appeared to be a flare going straight up. As a matter of fact, we thought it was from a boat. It was a bright reddish-orange color... Once it went into flames, I knew that wasn't a flare." Another witness said (N.Y. Daily News, 11/09/96), "It looked like a big skyrocket going up, and it kept going up and up, and the next thing I knew there was an orange ball of fire." The New York Post (09/22/96) reported that law enforcement sources said the hardest evidence gathered so far overwhelmingly suggests a surface-to-air missile. The FBI interviewed 154 "credible" witnesses -- including scientists, schoolteachers, Army personnel and business executives -- who described seeing a missile heading through the sky just before TWA 800 exploded. "Some of these people are extremely, extremely credible," a top federal official said.
Salinger "Totally Sure" TWA 800 Missile Theory is
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