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Earth Mother Crying - Native Prophecy Netcenter - The Journal of Prophecies of Native Peoples Worldwide

Mad Bear Anderson's Prophecy of EARTH MOTHER CRYING

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This website went online in September of 1996 as "TIMBER: Journal of Prophecies of Native Peoples Worldwide."

As it turns out, this website was prophesyed by Tuscarora faithkeeper Wallace "Mad Bear" Anderson, before his passing in 1985. This "Lord of the Iroquois Confederacy" said in  his biography that someday, someone will travel worldwide and put all Indigenous Propecies in on place, "and then we really will have something!" Two Years after this website debuted on the Internet in 1996, I read of this prophecy in Doug Boyd's book, "Mad Bear."

Wallace "Mad Bear" Anderson had been a close friend of my traditional teacher, Rolling Thunder, during his life.

Mad Bear on the steps of Harrisburg city hall. "The Longest Walk"

Mad Bear Anderson walked west in 1985. Rolling Thunder walked west in 1997. They both left huge legacies, and a lot of controversies behind.

In his autobiography by Doug Boyd, Mad Bear isquoted as saying that he was writing a compilation of Indian Prophecies, titled EARTH MOTHER CRYING, and was putting the book together at the time of his death.

This website, and a subsequent online book soon to make its debut, were renamed EARTH MOTHER CRYING in Mad Bear's honor.

Mad Bear Anderson interogates infiltraters at Indian Town Gap camp. "The Longest Walk"

"Mad Bear did not at all match my image of him. I had never seen anyone

quite like him before, yet it seemed very reasonable to me that there should

be such a person. His name suited him, or perhaps it was the other way around.

Big and round, with short black hair, he was wearing a Hawaiian-print

shirt and a wide grin which clamped a tipped cigar between big teeth."

Mad Bear is a highly sophisticated, articulate, and skilled Medicine Man

who has traveled widely and lived and studied with Druids, Vikings,

Tibetans, Hindu yogis, and various aboriginal peoples in Asia and

Africa. He has been the catalyst for many healings.

Here's some of his words:

-----------------------------------begin excerpt----------------------------

from _Rolling Thunder_ by Doug Boyd

Mad Bear said: "The purpose of good medicine is to make it simple.

There's no need to create any opposing destructive force; that

only makes more negative energy and more results and more


"If you have a sense of opposition--that is, if you feel contempt for

others--you're in a perfect position to receive their contempt.

The idea is to not be a receiver. You people have such anger

and fear and contempt for your so-called criminals that your

crime rate goes up and up. Your society has a high crime rate

because it is in a perfect position to receive crime. You

should be working WITH these people, not in opposition to

them. The idea is to have contempt for crime, not for people.

It's a mistake to think of any group or person as an opponent,

because when you do, that's what the group or person will

become to you. It's more useful to think of every other person

as another YOU--to think of every individual as a representative

of the universe.

"Every person is plugged into the whole works. Nobody is

outside it or affects it any less than anybody else. Every person

is a model of life, so the true nature of a person is the nature

of life. I don't care how low you fall or how high you climb,

economically or academically or anything else, you still

represent the whole thing. Even the worst criminal in life

imprisonment sitting in his cell--the center of him is the

same seed, the seed of the whole creation."

Mad Bear : spirit, healing, and the sacred in the life of Native American medicine man

Mad Bear was a member of the Bear Clan of the Tuscarora Nation of the Six-Nation Iroquois Confederacy of the United States and Canada. A Native American rights-activist, he was also a medicine man and a leader with great power and influence both among his own people and cross culturally. In this personal and captivating narrative, Doug Boyd recreates Mad Bear's tales of magic, his healing powers, and Native American legends. Mad Bear creates a rich and colorful portrait of the fascinating life of this vibrant, spiritual man


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Copyright © 1996-2001 Earth Mother Crying


"Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7

Last changed: 04/04/2001, 13:20:14 -
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